
Hello again readers,

Today I will show one of the most ambitious projects that I have ever done. I had to made it for my Technical Drawing/Arquitecture class. Everyone had to design a restaurant and draw to scale all the views (front, back, up, side,etc…) and obtain at least 4 conical perspectives of it. All these blueprints had to be made in DINA3 paper with stylographs and black ink. At the end of the project we had to do a miniature of the restaurant, with every single detail of it.

My idea of the restaurant was quite innovative. It was located in the beach and it had three separate buildings. the main one was a cube, the second one was a pentagonal prism, and the last one was a triangluar prism. All of the  were rotated in two axis and intersected with an horizontal plane to create a construction which reminds of a stone halfburied on the beach. I think some pictures will explain it better :).

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